Business & Technical English Services...
...filling the gap for technical companies and academics looking for specialized assistance with English language documents and presentations. Providing flexible assistance for business and technical writing, business and general English instruction, assistance with both written and oral presentations for marketing, proofreading for business and academics, brainstorming and research. Assisting with translation of some documents from German into English or proofing translated documents to ensure a more natural language.
Who am I?
My CV is both technical and diverse. I graduated in 1985 from the University of Illinois at Chicago with a Master of Architecture and Design and was licensed in 1988. My professional experience began in 1977 as a student of architecture, followed by responsible positions in Chicago with well-respected architectural firms until my relocation to Switzerland in 1989. Until 1992 I was active in the international team of a Swiss architectural firm. Drawing from US know-how, I helped develop marketing strategies, prepare brochures and schematic design packages for potential clients.
As a student and during my years in architectural firms I was often called upon to use my people and communication skills for presentation, marketing documents and project management. Recognizing my interests in language and wanting to work closer to home, I began teaching business English in a private school in Switzerland in 1994. Here I discovered and developed a market for qualified technical professionals to write, proofread, and prepare marketing and presentation documents. In 2008 I began working in-house for various technical firms; instructing business English, assisting with marketing and other technical documents.
I continue to offer private tutoring at all levels for students, adults and professionals.
Each project is unique and requires personal attention. Please contact me to discuss how I can assist you.